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***PRICE REDUCED*** Experienced Confidence Giving All-Rounder - PASCHA

Broadhill Stables in Ely

14 years old
All-Rounder, Mother-daughter share and Riding Club
PASCHA Classy 2010 16hh Irish grey mare, this gorgeous girl has the kindest sweetest nature and absolutely loves life! Pascha has previously done BE, BS, BD and has spent the last three years in a riding club home attending clinics, shows and living a varied life. She is experienced, keen there done it and got the T shirt. This super mare is an out and out competition horse and loves going out and doing a job, she’s an ideal type for a mother daughter share, or someone wanting to go out and always be in the ribbons. Pashca will jump whatever she is put at, endless scope and she produces a beautiful test. She will always help her jockey out and is a total confidence giver with the jumping, she’s a fun, forward and talented ride, and she enjoys her work. A gorgeous mare to hack out, isn’t bothered by heavy vehicles farm machinery, traffic etc, will happily go out with friends or solo. Full history is know on this girl and a lovely fun home is much wanted. She’s been a well loved horse her whole life. Open to any vet or trainer £9000

Broadhill Stables


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