A true Allrounder who will do any job, quality enough to show & safe enough to be a granny’s happy hack. She will happily tolerate a novice who’s learning the ropes.
Gorgeous 14hh 2017 new forest pony, this beautiful girl has so much to give. She’s snaffle mouthed with three lovely comfortable and balanced paces on the flat, will work in a nice shape and do a nice test, or happy to be ridden on the buckle end.
Lottie is a big stamp, she rides bigger than her size and massively takes up the leg, a real big pony. She jumps cross country fences and coloured fillers showing plenty of scope, she’s bold and brave.
Brilliant to hack, isn’t bothered by heavy traffic, farm traffic or machinery, she will go out solo or in company, super off road and open spaces, this sweet girl will stand for hours to be loved and groomed.
Open to any vet or trainer £8000