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PC/ BE/ BS Competition pony

Sophie Hamilton equestrian in Wokingham

11 years old
Sports Pony
Eventing, Pony Club and Show Jumping
14.1hh 11yo British sports pony mare. Fun all round competition pony. Lily has a fantastic jump. She has previously competed both BS and BE. She has also done pony club and all pony club activities. She has a fantastic scopey and careful jump. Very smart with her legs, happy to jump of a long or short stride. Brave with fillers. She’s jumped up to Newcomers BS and evented to BE 90. Registered name: Brief connection. Lily is well schooled on the flat, with fantastic transitions and established mediums. She does a nice leg yield and is training shoulder in. She has nice enough flat work for pure BD. Lily is good to hack both alone and in company. Good on the road and in open spaces. Snaffle mouth for everything, no martingale needed! Lily is good to load, travel, shoe, clip etc. She is good to handle however is sensitive and thrives with kind empathetic handling. Full history known. Recently passed a 5 stage vetting. Seen at livery.

Sophie Hamilton equestrian


Small yard that takes in select horses and ponies for schooling and sales livery. We also buy and sell a few select horses and ponies.

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