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TB Allrounder

Sally Nicholson in Nottingham

9 years old
Riding Club, Dressage and Eventing
Imperial Lord (Fred) 9yr old TB Gelding 16.2 Raced National Hunt until early ‘23, retired sound, no injuries. Suitable for ROR. Beautifully bred: Imperial Monarch (Gallileo). I’ve had him since June ‘23 and done loads of hacking, raised poles, light schooling to strengthen and fatten him up. I tore my knee cartilage last year so didn’t do much spring/summer ‘24. We’ve done a few unaffiliated shows over Xmas and now he’s ready to go out and have more fun. Hacks in front or behind, he can have a cheeky spook in him but never malicious - no bucking or rearing. Very good in traffic. Successfully competed Arena eventing and Hunter trials up to 95cm this Winter. Now showing promise over the SJ as he gets stronger on the flat. Won his first time out Dressage and behaves impeccably in the warm up. Stands nicely on the lorry. Lovely to handle, a real pet. Good to load, hot shoe, lunge, and clip. Stabled at night but would prefer to live out. Can be left in the field on his own. Will weave if you leave him in without riding him. Passed my 5 stage vetting in June ‘23 and had normal x-rays of his spine. This horse is showing some real class. Beautiful natural paces, very balanced canter, and a careful jump. Would suit ambitious amateur with limited budget. Personal reasons force sale. No novices, no children looking for their first horse. Bingham, Nottinghamshire 6🥕

Sally Nicholson


Amateur eventer

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