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7-Horse work/transport truck - 12ton

Ilona Lang in Winchester

Model Name
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* 12 ton lorry - takes x 7 smaller horses or 6 x larger horses with ease * Full height, fixed & solid stallion partitions * Partitions can be moved to make mare & foal boxes * Absolutely no internal tack lockers impeding into the horse area * Full height Oakley ramp doors. * 6 x fans, lots of roof vents - very well ventilated and cool in hot weather * White & Red lights in horse area, very well lit * Horse area CCTV * Rear electric ramp with manual over ride * Rear Tow bar * 4 x External large storage lockers * Eurotunnel approved * EU & UK T2 Vehicle certificates ** 2012 DAF LF 180 Chassis that does 16MPG on average ** Horsebox built onto this chassis in 2022- The horse area is in excellent condition and still looks new ** Unladen weight is 7690kg - so you have a massive 4310kg weight capacity ** Length is 8.5metres long - its really easy to turn within small/narrow spaces. ** Really easy size of lorry to drive - drives like a 7.5ton with the same manoeuvrability ** No living - bunk bed in the cab. **New MOT in December 2024 - no advisories ** Very reliable lorry - has been driven all over Europe & the UK last year, and never let us down. ** Has been maintained on a Operators Licence with 6 - weekly maintenance inspections - we used the lorry for horse transport, and we do everything we can to prevent breakdowns, which meant going overboard on the maintenance - last year this lorry had new wheels, tyres, brakes, batteries plus tons more new parts were fitted at great expense at a DAF main dealer - So it's all ready for the new owner to reap the benefits!

Ilona Lang


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